Web 2.0 is now the upgraded version of how the Internet works. Now instead of being about companies 2.0 works as communities. Now instead of monkeys using tools its like now the "monkeys show you the finger". Now Web 2.0 is about opinions instead of just information. We can also collaborate with other people in our projects also instead of having the trouble of carrying around a floppy disc and the trouble of it not working. Web 2.0 is writable now instead of just being able to only read it. We get free software also. With web 1.0 you would have to go out and spend a bunch of money on software that we now get for free. We also have free online webware.

We now get free stuff from 2.0 that allows us to make things and put them up on the web. A couple of these online web wares can be
With these online web wares and Web 2.0 we are able to make our own web pages and publish them online. This was the one thing that makes it greater than Web 1.0.
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